Sherwood Park Community Watch

Latch Key Kids  



How do you know if your child is old enough to be home alone?

    Your twelve-year-old comes home from school at 3:00; but you don't
 get home until 5:00.  The child is home for those two hours every day.
 What do they do until you arrive?  Most likely, they get a snack or talk
 on the phone, or maybe watch TV.  But since you're not there, you worry.
 Like the majority of American parents who work and have their children on
 their own after school every day, you are anxious about your child's
By following a few safeguards you can ease some of this worry and take measures that will protect your child even when you cannot be there.
How do you know if your child is old enough to be home alone?

Can Your Child:

Some Facts:

Some children enjoy caring for themselves and happily accept the added responsibilities. Others occasionally are lonely, bored, or scared. Statistics suggest that children at home alone are at a greater risk of being involved in accidents, of being harmed by strangers, siblings, or friends, and of committing minor delinquent acts.

Experts strongly suggest not leaving children under ten at home alone for any extended amount of time.

Teach Your "Home Alone Children":
Things Parent should do:


It brings police and citizens together to prevent crime - and solve neighborhood problems. In Community Policing the emphasis is on stopping crime before it happens.

TEAMWORK - The police are more effective when they can depend on residents for help.

COMMITMENT - By both the community and police ultimately changes the quality of life by helping to solve community problems.

What can the citizen do?

What are the Police Doing?